fromthetrenchesworldreport... If you are reading this on the internet, you obviously follow, quite closely, current events. You keep up on the latest stories
about the steps being taken to ensure war in the very near future,
about the latest scam by the Fed to rake in more money for the already
too, too wealthy, and about the degradation of our food into poisons
ready to encourage every available cancer cell it can find.
You may have heard that high school students in San Antonio, TX are now being required to wear badges which contain an RFID
tracking chip. Yeah, everyone’s heard that already. But have you
heard that a student who requested a religious waiver (based on these
chips being the “mark of the beast”) is being harassed – amounting to
religious discrimination – by being denied access to lavatories, the
cafeteria and full student privileges.
She’s been told that she can have those privileges back if she makes a public statement to the student body via the student newspaper that she endorses the use of RFID chips. She doesn’t have to wear one, she just has to say that she agrees that students should wear one. Shall I repeat that? She doesn’t have to wear one, she just has to say that she agrees that students should wear one. In other words, if she will make a statement against her religious beliefs, all will be well.
She’s been told that she can have those privileges back if she makes a public statement to the student body via the student newspaper that she endorses the use of RFID chips. She doesn’t have to wear one, she just has to say that she agrees that students should wear one. Shall I repeat that? She doesn’t have to wear one, she just has to say that she agrees that students should wear one. In other words, if she will make a statement against her religious beliefs, all will be well.
Do you feel it creeping in? Do you see the indoctrination being
injected in to our “educational” system? Do you see
“ situational ethics” being lauded as the way to go? Do you see “go
along to get along” being forced upon the mind
of our young as normal and correct? Here’s the question that reveals
your HQ – Is this OK with you? Do you care? Can you hear this and not
have your stomach turn just a bit? (NOTE: My full support and respect
to this young woman who has the fortitude to stand up for her rights and
You probably also read about the atrocities being perpetrated daily
upon the people by police of all levels of local government – state,
county and city – and being condoned by judges, chiefs of police and
city councils across the country. Far too great a number of officers on
the street view their new tasers
as a toy, to be used as often as possible, with no regard for the
individual situation. Yesterday a man having an epileptic seizure was
tased to death for not following the officer’s
instruction to “get up”. Shall I repeat that? Yesterday a man having
an epileptic seizure was tased to death for not following the officer’s instruction to “get up”. And this is only one of an ever-lengthening laundry list – a dirty
laundry list – of innocent people injured the the thoughtless,
less-than-human souls whose physical bodies are hired to “keep the
Here’s the question that reveals your HQ – Is this OK with you? Do
you care? Can you hear this and not shed a tear for the lost humanity?
Yes, a tear for the man whose life was wrongfully cut short, but the
fact that one person can inflict that much evil upon another and not be
penalized by his “superiors” for such a heinous act – not even be
corrected that that is was a wrong action
– is beyond disgusting, beyond pitiful, beyond rationalization and
degrades us all should bring about a tear as well. That is, if you have
any humanity left, yourself.
Everyone is waiting for the big bang that will tell them that the New
World Order has taken over. Don’t bother. They already have. They
have been taking away your connection to your humanity for decades, and
once they have that, once they can get you to the state in which you say
nothing when evil is done before you, they know they can do anything – and will. Don’t give that power to them. You can stop it. They can only have your humanity if you give it to them.
The most powerful thing you can do to change our collective Humanity Quotient is to act individually. Take time out from that which you spend taking care of yourself
and use some of that care for your fellow human being. Don’t worry,
it won’t take anything away from you. In fact, it will add greatly
to who you are. Say “NO” to that which is wrong – and there isn’t one
of you out there who doesn’t know the difference. And say “NO” whether
the wrongdoing is being done to you or another.
Take your humanity back.