My apologies for the gap in news here. For the past few months, I have been under the weather with financial struggle, and illness, and during this period, the news has been been the same old, same old... Sinkholes continuing to appear, gun control still unfolding with the use of false flags, the middle east oil-rich countries still fighting under the control of the wealthiest, power mongering elites, big banking cartel still stealing from us, ("they" call us, "The useless eaters") meteorites and comets still coming at us, and multiplying in intensity, oil still leaking into the gulf from fissures beneath the Gulf, radiation still spewing out from Fukushima, earthquakes, volcanoes, storms; all occurring in an accelerated pace, and our own President Obama becoming a better and better puppet for those who are truly in control, the Department of Homeland Security gaining more ammunition and arms, as well as more military presence in our streets and skies, more hype for vaccines, more smallpox vaccines being gathered for whatever "they" are planning next for us, more activist bloggers being found dead, and like myself, more and more of us becoming ill and permanently disabled from... what?... All the while, the mainstream media sits in silence, reporting what they're told to report; propaganda...
We have to stop being "their" slaves and overseers, and change life as we know it.
While I deal with my own financial, physical, and health issues, I will put this movie/documentary (in full) here for you to watch. Go get a cup of java, or tea, or good old water, and get yourself comfortable to watch this whole movie. I am dead serious about you watching this complete movie; it is important! Then spread this movie to all you know, as well as those you don't know, because it will truly open eyes. Knowledge is ammunition! Remember, there are far more of us than "them," and yes, revolt IS coming, but we really DO need to open the eyes of everyone. EVERYONE! We have to stop being "their" slaves and overseers, and change life as we know it. Only a complete awakening will accomplish this, and spreading this movie WILL attain that goal.
"Their" conspired, financial crash is unfolding before us, and while you may feel helpless and frustrated, like it or not, get yourself prepared for the inevitable, and spread this movie/documentary; make it viral, so more of us can become prepared to ride this agenda of horror out, and survive to see "THEM" fall. Once "they" fall, we will be able to build a far better, and functioning world for our children. There are so many leaders, scholars, and scientists among us, and if we allow them to lead; after the elitist's oppression has lifted, and if we support them, we will be able to have a TRUE, functioning society of life that will "Thrive" and become a wonderful place for all to be. It will take time for "them" to fall, and if we prepare properly, and survive "their" heinous agenda, we will come out the winners of a life that can be harmonious; but a complete "cold reboot" will be needed. Chaos is coming; like you may not be able to imagine, but we will emerge from this as a new, and rebuilt world. The elitists HAVE TO BE STOPPED! NOW!!! "They" are sociopathic psychopaths, and our well being is NOT in "their" interests. Lowering our population IS in "their" interests, as a smaller amount of people are much easier to control.
Note: While it is of utmost importance that you get prepared for life without comfort for a while, and may have to go into hiding and defense to protect your loved ones to survive this, I personally do not believe "their" fall will take long, once "their" agenda is full motion. Those that are unprepared will not survive "their" agenda; that is "their" plan, so becoming prepared is of utmost importance! Remember: knowledge is wealth, preparedness is wealth, peace is wealth, equality is wealth. "Their" printed Money system is NOT wealth, it is power and inequality, it is control, corruption, wars, greed, discontent... slavery...
We have to stop being "their" slaves and overseers, and change life as we know it.
While I deal with my own financial, physical, and health issues, I will put this movie/documentary (in full) here for you to watch. Go get a cup of java, or tea, or good old water, and get yourself comfortable to watch this whole movie. I am dead serious about you watching this complete movie; it is important! Then spread this movie to all you know, as well as those you don't know, because it will truly open eyes. Knowledge is ammunition! Remember, there are far more of us than "them," and yes, revolt IS coming, but we really DO need to open the eyes of everyone. EVERYONE! We have to stop being "their" slaves and overseers, and change life as we know it. Only a complete awakening will accomplish this, and spreading this movie WILL attain that goal.
We will come out the winners of a life that can be harmonious;
but a complete "cold reboot" will be needed.
Note: While it is of utmost importance that you get prepared for life without comfort for a while, and may have to go into hiding and defense to protect your loved ones to survive this, I personally do not believe "their" fall will take long, once "their" agenda is full motion. Those that are unprepared will not survive "their" agenda; that is "their" plan, so becoming prepared is of utmost importance! Remember: knowledge is wealth, preparedness is wealth, peace is wealth, equality is wealth. "Their" printed Money system is NOT wealth, it is power and inequality, it is control, corruption, wars, greed, discontent... slavery...