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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Fukushima: Seth Doane of CBS Faking Reactor 4 Interior Videos

Published on Jan 28, 2014 by Dana:
What is going on?  CBS used Seth Doane footage from fukushima that is fake; here is a foreign correspondent pretending he is inside reactor 4 at the Fukushima Military industrial nuclear complex.

Fukushima: Are Ken Buesseler & Dr Jay Cullen Really Scientists, Or Nuclear Lobbyists?

Jan 27, 2014, by Dana:
These men are extremely well educated, nuclear lobbyists.  What they say is crafted to fool all of the people listening a 100%.  So lets see how they like taking one for the team, regularly. That should be career ending by every code in the book of ethics.  VIDEO ABOVE HAS BEEN REMOVED SINCE THE ARREST OF DANA DURNFORD

Today on Your Call What does the science and data tell us about the impacts of Fukushima radiation:

These are Jay Cullen; associate professor at the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences at the University of Victoria, and ex Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and Ken Buesseler; senior scientist in marine chemistry & geochemistry at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution...

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Fukushima and the Beginning of a New Order

You can come to join in live, every night, to Dana's Shows HERE  Come join "'Professor' Dana and his Fukushima Hounds"  You are Welcome.  We are all students of this terrible, worldwide tragedy.

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Keep checking back, and refreshing the page every once in a while, and you will find the time where you are.  For Instance, one of us in Holland, and says it's 4:00 am there...  while it's usually around 10:00 pm, Eastern time USA.  Below is a table of the different times around the world, that Dana's live show/seminar is on the air: (Showtimes are approximate, and some nights Dana is blocked from being able to stream, but he comes right back.  They cannot stop him)  HIS SHOW IS THE TRUTH THAT TPTB DON'T WANT US TO KNOW!

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Local Time DST in effect?
-00:04:00:00 America/Anchorage 19:38:39 23-Jan-2014 no
-00:02:00:00 America/Inuvik 21:38:39 23-Jan-2014 no
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Bangkok 11:38:39 24-Jan-2014 no
+00:13:00:00 Asia/Beijing 12:38:39 24-Jan-2014 no
+00:09:00:00 Asia/Dubai 08:38:39 24-Jan-2014 no
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+00:07:00:00 Asia/Tel_Aviv 06:38:39 24-Jan-2014 no
+00:01:00:00 Atlantic/Bermuda 00:38:39 24-Jan-2014 no
+00:05:00:00 Atlantic/Canary 04:38:39 24-Jan-2014 no
+00:13:00:00 Australia/Perth 12:38:39 24-Jan-2014 no
-00:03:00:00 Canada/Pacific 20:38:39 23-Jan-2014 no
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Amsterdam 05:38:39 24-Jan-2014 no
+00:07:00:00 Europe/Athens 06:38:39 24-Jan-2014 no
+00:05:00:00 Europe/Lisbon 04:38:39 24-Jan-2014 no
+00:09:00:00 Europe/Moscow 08:38:39 24-Jan-2014 no
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Sarajevo 05:38:39 24-Jan-2014 no
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+00:13:00:00 Hongkong 12:38:39 24-Jan-2014 no
+00:05:00:00 Iceland 04:38:39 24-Jan-2014 no
+00:11:00:00 Indian/Chagos 10:38:39 24-Jan-2014 no
+00:07:00:00 Israel 06:38:39 24-Jan-2014 no
+00:00:00:00 Jamaica 23:38:39 23-Jan-2014 no
+00:14:00:00 Japan 13:38:39 24-Jan-2014 no
-00:05:00:00 Pacific/Honolulu 18:38:39 23-Jan-2014 no
-00:06:00:00 Pacific/Samoa 17:38:39 23-Jan-2014 no
+00:06:00:00 Poland 05:38:39 24-Jan-2014 no

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Monday, January 20, 2014

Fukushima Mayor Was Told: "No Accident Could Ever Happen"; "Disaster Of All Humanity-Entire World"

Katsutaka Idogawa, Mayor of Futaba Town: On March 12, at the moment of Unit 1′s explosion still there were a lot of citizens in our town.

When debris fell from the sky I thought it might be the end.

Policemen, servicemen, medical workers and town’s employees… Many people were still there.

Everybody stopped talking for a moment:
Mr. Idogawa, Mayor of Futaba Town where Fukushima Daiichi is located, testified about the day of Unit 1's explosion.  Japanese government did not announce SPEEDI data, so Futaba's citizens evacuated to northwest where radiation drifted.  Many citizens of Futaba were exposed to radiation including children.  Senator Masako Mori severely questioned to Prime Minister Noda about Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant's accident.

"Then white ash from Fukushima-Daiichi began to fall above us.." Futaba town mayor:

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Former Prime Minister of Japan: WE'VE BEEN LIED TO, NUCLEAR EXPERTS LYING TO US...


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Fukushima Mess- Discovery Channel Responds to DNews Blowback

Streamed live on Jan 15, 2014
Lets cover that, and Fukushima Rainfall Over USA & Canada tonight, and drown them at the same time.  Trace Dominguez would like for us to buy his plane tickets to Japan, let's send him to Daiichi' Elementary where 4 million Bqm² of cesium in soil samples were recently taken at a school in Chiba, 20 km from Tokyo; make sure to post that video to youtube while you tell the kids how lucky they are Trace.  Then well send you off to picture the Mystery black substance where it's 1,000,000+ Bqkg of cesium — Seen all over Minami Soma.  Then you're off to a big city where Fukushima 311 Fallout Figures Released shows over 4,000,000 Bqm2.  You can explore it to your hearts content Trace — While you're waiting for your flight, I recommend 40,000,000 Bq of iodine-131 that co-exist with 3 to 1 of Iodine 129, with a 15 million year half life, but travels with uranium 234, 234, and plutonium, found in a single bed of kelp off Southern California recently, to help give your immune system a boost for what you will encounter in Japan.  Then we will have a fundraiser for your cancers, and treatment with more radiation, till it kills you; like it does to children constantly. 

Their new video (below) deserves a proper thrashing -

So Discovery Channel News is now on the bandwagon, along with all the rest of our Government Leaders, Mainstream Media, Public Relations Firms, TEPCO, etc., in the ongoing cover-up lies that make them all accomplices to the mass murder of human kind...

Dr. Cathy Vakil - Fukushima Lies Threatening World

Dr. Cathy Vakil, family practitioner is concerned about the effects of radiation on families and individuals. There is no "safe level" of radiation, and incidents like Chernobyl and Fukushima only add to the harmful levels already affecting Canadians from constant exposure from our own domestic reactors like Bruce, Pickering, Darlington, and Chalk River. In conversation with Hugh Reilly:

Friday, January 10, 2014

Is Fukushima Radiation Leak Equal To 76 Million Bananas or is Forbes Magazine Writer, Tim Worstall, A Murderer?

Tim Worstall is a British-born writer and blogger, living in Portugal; he has written for Forbes Magazine, but his income is from his wholesale supply sales of scandium metal and scandium oxide.  Scandium is present in deposits of uranium compounds...  He has also been known to subsidise research into fuel cells that use the materials he sells.

In my investigating, I came across a webpage that recommended Tim Worstall highly, saying that, "If you're an industrial user or producer of scandium and you need someone to broker your scandium oxide transactions, see Tim."  It also sates that "He [Tim Worstall] doesn't just deal in them, he does most of the dealing in them (60% or so) that is done worldwide."  That webpage is here:

So it goes to say that he profits highly with the weapons grade uranium enrichment plants (passed off to the public as Nuclear Power Plants) running and operational.  He cannot afford to have the public band together to shut the weapons industy down, so it is perfectly understandable as to why he would write a story of lies to convince the public that Fukushima's ONGOING meltdown is of no more danger to anyone than 76 million bananas.  After all, if he can become an accomlice to mass-murder through lies, that would make him a possible sociopath; correct?  Sociopaths do not care about anyone but themselves, and have no conscience. hmmm  That explains pretty well, to me, why he was even capable of writing that disgusting story of lies, called: The Fukushima Radiation Leak Is Equal To 76 Million Bananas.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Fukushima Reactors 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - Basic Breakdown, Pacific Ocean, Jet Streams

Published by Dana on Jan 8, 2014
This is Fukushima 101 and is meant to make sure everyone has at least the basic understanding of all the reactors, their basic effects in the pacific ocean, and how the jet streams move radiation around earth . Its certainly good enough to use as a research guide, or use to cover most bases on this subject in a conversation.  The best part about it, is when people that have been fed the propaganda see the whole picture, they get it right away. The most destructive thing to nuclear PR firms is the truth. 

Download 2000 plus pictures taken by The Fearless Fukushima 50

This is about how saltwater makes little nuclear engines that look like buckyballs, and are not absorbed into water normally, and able to travel long distances and last billions of years; IT'S VERY BAD NEWS!
Uranyl peroxide enhanced nuclear fuel corrosion in seawater

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Fukushima Radiation NOT SAFE in ANY AMOUNT!

Studies cited in order presented:

National Academy of Sciences Low-Dose Radiation Report

Data tables used, 12D-1 and 12D-2:

How to scale that data to unique exposure scenarios, Annex 12D, Example 1:

15-country study of nuclear-worker cancer risk

Table 5 shown is from Part II of the study

Jacob et al. (2009) meta-analysis of nuclear-worker studies

Editorial on Jacob et al. quoted

Chromosomal translocations are associated with cancer

Boffetta et al. (2007) more chromoHarm entails more cancer

Bhatti et al. (2010) meta-analysis of chromosomal damage

# Addendum #

Since I posted this video, the 'Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' published a special edition on low-dose radiation, the lead article of which

matches and thereby corroborates the case I present in this video. It also covers additional research and nuclear-industry efforts to derail scientific investigation of radiation risks.

Some friends created PDF files of this video available here

In English

In Japanese!.pdf
