Fishletter Issue 335, July 24, 2014 (emphasis added): There is a massive pool of warm water in the Gulf of Alaska, NOAA scientist Nate Mantua said in an email. It is unprecedented in the historical record, he added… the past year is way out of the historical range — “so who knows what will happen?“
NOAA Fisheries, Sept. 2014: Scientists across NOAA Fisheries are watching a persistent expanse of exceptionally warm water spanning the Gulf of Alaska that could send reverberations through the marine food web. The warm expanse appeared about a year ago and the longer it lingers, the greater potential it has to affect ocean life… “Right now it’s super warm all the way across the Pacific to Japan,” said Bill Peterson, an oceanographer with NOAA… “it’s a very interesting time because when you see something like this that’s totally new you have opportunities to learn things you were never expecting.” Not since records began has the region of the North Pacific Ocean been so warm for so long… The situation does not match recognized patterns in ocean conditions such as El Niño Southern Oscillation or Pacific Decadal Oscillation… “It’s a strange and mixed bag out there,” Mantua said… warm temperatures are higher and cover more of the northern Pacific than the PDO typically affects… cold near-shore conditions in the Pacific Northwest also don’t match the typical PDO pattern.
North Pacific Marine Science Organization (pdf), Summer 2014: In March 2014 there was something very unusual occurring in the Northeast (NE) Pacific that might have substantial consequences for biota in the Gulf of Alaska and southward into the subtropics… we see SST departures of 4.5 standard deviations… The anomaly field covers a large region of the N.E. Pacific… The authors of this article have never seen [such] deviations… Something as extraordinary as a 4.5-sigma deviation requires corroboration… Argo data verify the very large temperature departures… and similar large deviations in salinity…
the event is primarily restricted to the upper 100 metres of the water…
In most years, a winter region of high productivity is created by this
Ekman transport… Without nutrients from the subarctic, the productivity of subtropical waters must decline… Between 30–40°N, surface chlorophyll dropped to 60% of the average values… weakened nutrient transport from the subarctic into the subtropics this past winter will dramatically reduce the productivity of the eastern subtropics over an area of ~17,000 km² [~6,500 miles²]. NOAA Fisheries, Sept. 2014: Scientists across NOAA Fisheries are watching a persistent expanse of exceptionally warm water spanning the Gulf of Alaska that could send reverberations through the marine food web. The warm expanse appeared about a year ago and the longer it lingers, the greater potential it has to affect ocean life… “Right now it’s super warm all the way across the Pacific to Japan,” said Bill Peterson, an oceanographer with NOAA… “it’s a very interesting time because when you see something like this that’s totally new you have opportunities to learn things you were never expecting.” Not since records began has the region of the North Pacific Ocean been so warm for so long… The situation does not match recognized patterns in ocean conditions such as El Niño Southern Oscillation or Pacific Decadal Oscillation… “It’s a strange and mixed bag out there,” Mantua said… warm temperatures are higher and cover more of the northern Pacific than the PDO typically affects… cold near-shore conditions in the Pacific Northwest also don’t match the typical PDO pattern.
Gov’t model shows West Coast of N. America to get highest level of Fukushima contamination until 2041:
China-Korea Cooperation on the Development of Ocean Monitoring and Prediction System of Radionuclides: In this study we are concerned with long-term oceanic-scale dispersion of Cs 137 released from the Fukushima Daiichi NPP. [...] The information that helped us to determine the source term of radioactive materials for the numerical experiments was the concentrations of radioactive materials in the ocean reported by Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). [...] using monitoring data from the web site of TEPCO near the northern and southern discharge channels of the Fukushima Daiichi NPP. [...] Assuming a total release of 9 PBq of 137 Cs from the Fukushima Daiichi NPP into the marine environment (only including liquid releases on the Pacific Ocean), the simulation is carried out up to 2041.
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(Note that the total ocean release used in the model is just 1/3 of the estimate by other researchers. It also does not take into account the daily release of 400 tons of radioactive water from the plant that’s been ongoing since soon after 3/11.) ...So this model, above, is only showing the results of ONE release, from only ONE reator, and assuming the leak was stopped after initial release... Anotherwords, first you must multiply this by 3[reactors], then multiply it again, by the actual amount of days Fukushima's melted reactors have been dumping AT LEAST 400 tons of caesium-137 into the Pacific; that would be 365 days each year, and it has been ongoing for now, for over 3 and a half years... NOW the reason why the Pacific Ocean is so warm should be very clear to you, yet the Gov't Scientists say it is "unusual"!!!??? Please...! |
Productivity refers to “the rate of generation of biomass in an ecosystem. Productivity of autotrophs such as plants is called primary productivity… Almost all life on earth is directly or indirectly reliant on primary production… the base of the food chain.”
This same "productivity" is one of the main sources of our oxygen, worldwide. Without it, earth will no longer be able to sustain any life...