Mainstream News has become the Band on the Titanic....
Alternative, Breaking, World News that Reports what the Mainstream Media Ignores.
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Barack Obama's budget is 244 pages long but it is one paragraph on page
46 that has earned him praise from the Republicans.
On first reading,
it seems like a simple accounting change. The president plans to switch
the way social security benefits are indexed for inflation - from the
standard Consumer Price Index to what is called the chained CPI. But in
fact the action has enormous significance, not just to the millions of
poor and elderly who may find themselves unable to keep up with the cost
of living in the future, but to the whole debate over budgets in
Finally President Obama has officially accepted a long held
goal of the right, and made social security just another bargaining chip
in negotiations.
In total, the budget proposes cuts of more than $1
trillion from government programmes. But there was some comfort for
the base - the president wants nearly $250m in spending on jobs, public
works and an expansion in pre-school education. He has also proposed
$800bn in new taxes... source
This was the SAME THING, BELOW:
source - click HERE... and Learn!

CNN is reporting North Korea has put at least one missile in its upright firing position. CNN quoted a US official.
Yonhap, the South Korean news agency, said North Korea appears to be moving its mobile missiles early Friday to make it difficult for US intelligence to monitor them. Yonhap quoted sources familiar with the matter.
Officials in South Korea and Japan have said they do not think North Korea will fire a missile at any of its enemies. However, they fear a missile could go off course and hit people.
This launch is particularly troublesome, after a tsunami of threats from North Korea, because it is possible they will launch a longer-range missile that has not been tested yet.
The BBC quoted North Korea as saying war could break out at any time.
The US has said its response to any attacks will be proportional. For example, if a few artillery shells are fired, South Korea will reply with a similar barrage.
The New York Times reported South Korea is trying to calm tensions, calling for dialogue. Seoul says investors are concerned about putting more money in the country.
Did you know about the peaceful Icelandic revolution that took place
over the last 5 years?
If you didn’t, it is likely because it was never
televised or talked about very much at all on mainstream news. One would
have to be part of the right websites or pages to even find
out that this has been going on. Why is this the case? Why keep
something so monumental hidden from the public?
First let’s discuss what took place with this revolution, then it will
become much more clear as to why this was never televised.
It was during a time of a lot of financial turmoil around the world and
stories were popping up all over the news of how banks around the world
had been crushing or minimizing rebellions by receiving massive bailouts
to keep them alive.
The Iceland story is different because there was no
crushing or ending the rebellion, instead, the people rose up. This is
why this was not seen on TV anywhere. If the rest of the world knew that
the people won, it may give them some ideas.
During the financial turmoil of 2008 and 2009, the people of Iceland forced their government and banks to resign. How did they do this? Peacefully. The following is a summation of what steps they took over a process of several years, and it all began with each one of them realizing this couldn’t continue.
2008 – The main bank of Iceland is nationalized. The Krona, the currency of Iceland devaluates and the stock market halts. The country is in bankruptcy.
2008 – Citizens rise up at Parliament and succeed in forcing the resignation of both the prime minister and the effective government. New elections are held.
Yet, the country remains in a bad economic situation. A Parliament act is passed to pay back 3,500 million Euros to Great Britain and Holland by the people of Iceland monthly during the next 15 years, with 5.5% interest.
2010 – The people of Iceland again take to the streets to demand a referendum. In January of 2010, the President of Iceland denies approval, instead announcing a popular vote on the matter by the people.
In March, a referendum and denial of payment is approved by popular vote of 93%. Meanwhile, government officials initiate an investigation to bring to justice those responsible for the crisis. Many high level executives and bankers are arrested. Interpol dictates an order to force all implicated parties to leave Iceland.
An assembly is elected to write a new constitution (based on that of Denmark) to avoid entrapments of debt based currency foreign loans. 25 citizens are chosen — with no political affiliation — out of the 522 candidates. The only qualifications for candidacy are adulthood and the support of 30 people. The constitutional assembly started in February of 2011. It continues to present ‘carta magna’ from recommendations provided by various assemblies throughout the country. Ultimately, it must be approved by both the current Parliament and the one created through the next legislative election.
It’s quite a story isn’t it? You can most definitely see at this point why this was not covered in newspapers, on radio networks and on television. Imagine seeing this story on TV several times each day wherever you live in the world; do you think the people would start to get ideas? Maybe try the same thing? Most definitely. There is always a constant push of fear, murders, anger, government success, health fallacies and false information, but never do we hear of stories that could be a threat to the system.
Another key factor of this revolution that we have to look at is that it did not come from a place of violence, bloodshed or anger. No guns or fighting! It was simply people getting together peacefully and working things out. This is something this entire world is capable of but believes is impossible. Humanity has been so programmed to give itself little credit in this department. We always hear about how we need to be governed, there are too many crazy people out there, we need a big brother keeping control. The truth is, without the confines and certain rules the system employs, we would be a much more peaceful people mainly because we are no longer acting in survival mode. Now I am not here to say that the system is the only issue because it isn’t, our programming is also very strong in what we have been taught and believe about ourselves. I am simply here to say, this programming can be broken and our consciousness can and is changing.
I also thought it was a big step to see Iceland employ a new means of choosing it’s leaders. Someone who is an adult and has 30 people supporting them can run. This is great as the only reason why we have educated politicians today is because the elite needs to know that these people are programmed to repeat this system. Generally they also have to have corporate affiliations as well so they know they can be controlled by money.
Now Iceland is proceeding to actually prosecute some of their formerly most powerful bankers and the Icelandic special prosecutor has stated that it very well may indict some 90 people. Meanwhile, over 200 people, including the former chief executives of Iceland’s three biggest banks, face criminal charges for their activities.
Hopefully more countries around the world begin to follow suit! source
How To Start a Revolution. Learn From Iceland!
The financial crash in Iceland in 6 minutes according to ABC´s 20/20
Why The Truth About Iceland Is So Dangerous To The U.S.