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Monday, September 16, 2013

Oops, Another False Flag Botched AGAIN! News Columns Jumped the Gun, and Published the Report of Today's Shooting, YESTERDAY!

All I can say about this is, "GOOD GRIEF!"  Even the person that lived with the shooter says he cannot believe this was him. 

So....  The FBI knew about this BEFORE it happened.... Can everybody say, MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE?  In the pre-packaged news items that slipped out the day before this actually happened, they could not report how many victims had actually been shot, BECAUSE IT HADN'T HAPPENED YET!  The trigger was given to the poor victim (the Manchurian candidate) and he went ahead with the program that had been put into him.  He is just as much a victim as those he was programmed to shoot. 

The news items here are proof of this, and it is yet ANOTHER FALSE FLAG, with more innocent victims.  I think we are gearing up for a pretty terrible winter.  God help us...

Below are the screen shots I took from the news sites, as I'm sure they will shortly be taken offline once the idiots in DC see that we have figured this one out through their mess ups AGAIN...
